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Black Lagoon Adventures, No.9: Christmas Party from the Black Lagoon

商品網址: http://www.taaze.tw/apredir.html?ap128023172_a_11100244004


Black Lagoon Adventures!

It’s time to party in the Black Lagoon!

At the class Christmas party everyone has to exchange gifts. Doesn’t sound too bad? Well, you have to get one for a girl! And you haven’t even saved up three dollars. What are you going to do?Time is Ticking away. And Remember, If you mess up, Santa Claws is coming to town─for you!Yikes!


Mile Thaler, a award-winning author and illustrator, has written more than 140 children’s books and is affectionately known in some circles as America’s “Riddle King.” Mike lives in Canby, Oregon, with his family. Visit him online at www.mikethaler.com.


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